People-First Representation

  • Everyone should have a fair shot at prosperity. I will work to raise the minimum wage, protect workers' rights, and support small businesses to build a more just and equitable economy so we can retain some talent here at home.

  • Safe, affordable housing is a right of all South Dakotans, not a privilege. I will champion policies that expand affordable housing options and support first-time homebuyers to help build stronger, more inclusive communities.

  • Investing in our schools means investing in our future. I will fight for increased funding for public education, smaller class sizes, and better pay for our hardworking teachers to ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed.

  • Every South Dakotan deserves access to quality, affordable healthcare. I’m committed to expanding healthcare coverage and reducing costs, so no one has to choose between their health and their financial security.

  • Our state’s natural beauty is a treasure we must protect. I will advocate for renewable energy initiatives and conservation efforts that create jobs, reduce pollution, help farmers, (hunting) and preserve South Dakota for future generations.

  • It’s time to end mass incarceration and focus on rehabilitation. I will push for criminal justice reforms that prioritize treatment over punishment, reduce recidivism, and create a fairer system for all.

  • Equality under the law is non-negotiable. I will defend REAL South Dakota values and advance the civil rights of all South Dakotans, ensuring protections for marginalized communities and fighting against discrimination in all its forms.

  • We can protect the Second Amendment while ensuring our communities and children are safe. I support common-sense gun safety measures, including background checks and red flag laws, to keep firearms out of dangerous hands.

  • Every person deserves the right to make private healthcare decisions in consultation with their doctor, free from government interference. I’m dedicated to protecting the freedom to navigate what’s best for one’s own wellbeing.

  • Women deserve full autonomy over their bodies and equal opportunities in every aspect of life. I’m committed to protecting reproductive rights, closing the gender pay gap, and ensuring women’s voices are heard and respected. Freedom and justice for ALL.

  • Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country. I will work to improve healthcare, job training, and mental health services for South Dakota’s veterans, ensuring they receive the support and respect they deserve.

  • Everyone deserves to live with dignity and respect, regardless of who they are or whom they love. I will fight to protect LGBTQ+ rights and ensure equality in all areas of life, from housing to employment.

  • America’s strength lies in its diverse communities, including those who have called this land home for thousands of years and those who have come seeking the American dream. I will advocate for humane immigration reform that protects families, provides a pathway to citizenship, and strengthens our economy, honoring both the contributions of immigrants and the original stewards of this land.

  • Rural communities are the backbone of our state. I will prioritize investments in rural infrastructure, broadband access, and local economies to ensure that all South Dakotans have the opportunity to thrive.

  • It’s time to get big money out of politics. I support campaign finance reform that increases transparency, limits corporate influence, and empowers everyday citizens to have their voices heard.