Blake Stevens grew up in a small Midwest town, where he developed a deep appreciation for hard work, community, and the values that define our region. After years of working in various blue-collar jobs, Blake witnessed firsthand the struggles and triumphs of the working class. This experience ignited his passion for public service and advocacy.

In 2022, Blake returned to college at South Dakota State University to study political science, driven by a commitment to better understand the systems that shape our society. Ever the student, his ultimate goal is to someday attend law school, where he plans to gain the tools necessary to fight for the rights and dignity of working people in that capacity. Blake believes that the working class is the backbone of our economy and that they deserve leaders who will stand up for their interests and needs.

A strong believer in the power of community and inclusivity, Blake is rooted in family values and a desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others. He is dedicated to building a future where every person has the opportunity to succeed, and where the voices of everyday people are heard and respected. Blake’s journey from the working class to aspiring public servant reflects his unwavering commitment to creating a better world for ALL.

Meet Blake Stevens