Be informed.

  • Healthcare Accessibility

    Fact: Over 14% of South Dakotans are uninsured, and rural areas face severe healthcare shortages, with some counties lacking even a single primary care provider.

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey (2023); South Dakota Department of Health.

    Fact: South Dakota ranks 41st in the nation for healthcare affordability, with many families struggling to afford basic medical care.

    Source: Commonwealth Fund, "State Health System Performance" (2023).

    Fact: Expanding Medicaid in South Dakota could provide coverage to an additional 42,500 low-income adults, reducing the financial strain on rural hospitals.

    Source: Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), "Medicaid Expansion & the Impact on Rural Hospitals" (2023).

  • Strong Public Education

    Fact: South Dakota ranks 48th in the nation for per-pupil spending, which limits resources for students and puts a strain on educators.

    Source: National Education Association (NEA), "Rankings and Estimates" (2024).

    Fact: The student-to-teacher ratio in District 7 is comparable to, but slightly higher than, the state and national averages. While South Dakota’s overall ratio is around 14:1, District 7 (Brookings) sees increasingly larger class sizes than that, reflecting the growing demands on our educators and the need for more support in our schools.

    Source: National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (2023)

    Fact: Increasing teacher pay by even 5% could significantly improve teacher retention and attract more qualified educators to South Dakota.

    Source: South Dakota Department of Education; Economic Policy Institute (2023).

  • Clean Energy & Environmental Responsibility

    Fact: Climate change poses significant risks to South Dakota's economy, particularly in agriculture and hunting. The U.S. Global Change Research Program highlights increasing temperatures, more extreme weather events, and their effects on farming yields and wildlife populations in the region.

    Source: U.S. Global Change Research Program, “Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II” (2018) South Dakota State University Extension, “Climate Change and Agriculture in South Dakota” (2023)

    Fact: Transitioning to renewable energy could create over 5,000 new jobs in South Dakota by 2030, particularly in rural areas where economic development is needed most.

    Source: Environmental Defense Fund, "Clean Energy & Job Creation in the Midwest" (2023).

    Fact: Protecting South Dakota’s natural resources through conservation and sustainable farming practices could save the state billions in future environmental remediation costs.

    Source: South Dakota State University, "Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Agriculture" (2024).

  • Economic Stability

    Fact: Nearly 30% of South Dakotans earn less than $15 an hour, making it difficult to cover basic living expenses like housing, healthcare, and food.

    Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics" (2023).

    Fact: South Dakota’s minimum wage is currently $10.80 per hour, which is below the living wage needed for a single adult with one child ($22.65/hour).

    Source: MIT Living Wage Calculator (2024).

    Fact: Small businesses in South Dakota account for 58% of all employment, yet they often struggle to compete with large corporations due to limited access to capital and resources.

    Source: U.S. Small Business Administration, "South Dakota Small Business Profile" (2023).

  • Criminal Justice

    Fact: South Dakota has one of the highest incarceration rates in the nation, with 441 per 100,000 residents behind bars, largely due to non-violent drug offenses.

    Source: Prison Policy Initiative, "State Profiles: South Dakota" (2023).

    Fact: Implementing rehabilitation-focused programs could reduce recidivism by up to 30%, saving the state millions in incarceration costs.

    Source: Vera Institute of Justice, "Rehabilitation Programs & Recidivism Reduction" (2024).

    Fact: The cost of incarcerating one person in South Dakota is over $30,000 per year, whereas rehabilitation programs cost about $10,000 annually per participant.

    Source: South Dakota Department of Corrections, "Annual Budget Report" (2023).

  • Affordable Housing, Infrastructure, & Transportation

    Fact: Over 25% of South Dakota renters are cost-burdened, spending more than 30% of their income on housing, with limited options for affordable housing.

    Source: National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), "South Dakota Housing Profile" (2023).

    Fact: South Dakota has a shortfall of nearly 10,000 affordable rental homes available to extremely low-income families.

    Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), "Housing Needs by State" (2023).

    Fact: Expanding public transportation in South Dakota, particularly in rural areas, could increase job access by 20% for low-income workers.

    Source: South Dakota Department of Transportation, "Statewide Transportation Plan" (2024).

  • Protecting Civil Rights & Freedom

    Fact: South Dakota has been identified as a state with significant disparities in civil rights protections, particularly for LGBTQ+ individuals and minority communities.

    Source: Human Rights Campaign (HRC), "State Equality Index" (2023).

    Fact: Hate crimes in South Dakota increased by 20% over the past five years, highlighting the need for stronger protections and enforcement.

    Source: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), "Hate Crime Statistics" (2023).

    Fact: Ensuring civil rights for all citizens not only promotes equality but also strengthens community cohesion and economic stability.

    Source: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "Economic Impact of Civil Rights Protections" (2024).

  • Gun Safety

    Fact: South Dakota has one of the highest rates of gun ownership in the country, with 56.6% of adults owning firearms. However, it also has one of the highest rates of gun-related deaths, at 14.6 per 100,000 people.

    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "Firearm Mortality by State" (2023).

    Fact: Over 80% of South Dakotans support universal background checks for all gun buyers, a measure proven to reduce gun violence.

    Source: Everytown for Gun Safety, "Public Opinion Polls on Gun Safety" (2023).

    Fact: Implementing red flag laws in South Dakota could prevent an estimated 30-50 gun-related deaths annually, including suicides.

    Source: Giffords Law Center, "Impact of Red Flag Laws on Gun Violence" (2024).

  • Medical Autonomy

    Fact: The majority of South Dakotans, including 70% of Republicans, believe that healthcare decisions should be made between a patient and their doctor without government interference.

    Source: Pew Research Center, "Public Opinion on Healthcare Autonomy" (2023).

    Fact: Restricting medical autonomy has been shown to increase healthcare costs and reduce patient outcomes, particularly in rural areas.

    Source: American Medical Association (AMA), "Impact of Healthcare Restrictions" (2024).

    Fact: South Dakota’s maternal mortality rate is higher than the national average, partly due to restricted access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare.

    Source: South Dakota Department of Health, "Maternal Health Report" (2023).

  • Women’s Rights

    Fact: Women in South Dakota earn on average 77 cents for every dollar earned by men, contributing to a significant gender pay gap.

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Income and Poverty in the United States" (2023).

    Fact: South Dakota ranks 47th in the nation for women’s health and well-being, with limited access to reproductive healthcare services.

    Source: National Women’s Law Center (NWLC), "State Rankings on Women's Health" (2023).

    Fact: Policies aimed at closing the gender pay gap and expanding women’s access to healthcare could boost South Dakota’s economy by nearly $2 billion annually.

    Source: Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR), "Economic Impact of Gender Equality" (2024).

  • Veterans’ Services

    Fact: There are over 65,000 veterans in South Dakota, many of whom face challenges in accessing healthcare, housing, and employment.

    Source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), "Veteran Population by State" (2023).

    Fact: 22% of South Dakota’s veterans report experiencing PTSD or other mental health issues, yet many lack adequate access to mental health services.

    Source: Veterans Health Administration (VHA), "Mental Health Services for Veterans" (2023).

    Fact: Increasing funding for veteran job training programs could reduce veteran unemployment by 15% and improve long-term economic stability.

    Source: South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation, "Veterans Employment Services" (2024).

  • Immigration Reform

    Fact: Immigrants in South Dakota contribute over $1 billion annually to the state’s economy through taxes, consumer spending, and job creation.

    Source: American Immigration Council, "Economic Contributions of Immigrants in South Dakota" (2023).

    Fact: Immigrant-owned businesses in South Dakota employ over 10,000 people and generate $180 million in annual revenue.

    Source: New American Economy, "Immigrant Entrepreneurs in South Dakota" (2023).

    Fact: Providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants could increase South Dakota’s GDP by up to $500 million over the next decade.

    Source: Center for American Progress, "Economic Impact of Immigration Reform" (2024).

  • Rural Development

    Fact: Over 45% of South Dakota’s population lives in rural areas, where access to infrastructure and services often lags behind urban centers.

    Source: U.S. Census Bureau, "Rural Population Statistics" (2023).

    Fact: Expanding broadband access in rural South Dakota could boost local economies by enabling businesses to reach new markets and improving education and healthcare delivery.

    Source: Federal Communications Commission (FCC), "Broadband Access and Economic Development" (2023).

    Fact: Investment in rural infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and water systems, could create thousands of jobs and improve quality of life for all residents.

    Source: South Dakota Department of Transportation, "Rural Infrastructure Needs Assessment" (2024).

  • LGBTQ+ Rights

    Fact: South Dakota lacks comprehensive nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

    Source: Human Rights Campaign (HRC), "State Equality Index" (2023).

    Fact: LGBTQ+ youth in South Dakota are at significantly higher risk of bullying, depression, and suicide, with nearly 50% reporting they have seriously considered suicide.

    Source: The Trevor Project, "National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health" (2023).

    Fact: Ensuring legal protections and equal rights for LGBTQ+ individuals could reduce discrimination and improve mental health outcomes, contributing to a more inclusive and prosperous community.

    Source: American Psychological Association (APA), "The Impact of Legal Protections on LGBTQ+ Mental Health" (2024).

  • Campaign Finance Reform

    Fact: South Dakota's current campaign finance system allows for unlimited contributions from PACs, which can lead to undue influence from special interest groups.

    Source:, "Campaign Finance in South Dakota" (2023).

    Fact: An overwhelming majority of South Dakotans support stricter campaign finance laws that limit corporate donations and increase transparency in political contributions.

    Source: Pew Research Center, "Public Opinion on Campaign Finance Reform" (2023). Polis: Center for Politics (2024).

    Fact: Implementing campaign finance reform could level the playing field for all candidates, making elections more competitive and ensuring that elected officials represent the interests of their constituents, not just wealthy donors.

    Source: Brennan Center for Justice, "The Case for Campaign Finance Reform" (2024).